Hirs Recipes
Hirs Recipes
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Follow us for Hirs Sausage Market's Recipes
How to cook HIRS Easter Ham?
Húsvéti Sonka
How to cook HIRS Easter Ham?
Húsvéti Sonka
March 16, 2021
Hirs Recipe:
We recommend to soak the ham overnight before cooking so it’s not salty.
(Please do not take ham out of the net and do not cut into the ham before cooking it)
Place your ham into a large pot. Add 1 onion, 3-4 bay leaves, black peppercorns, 2-3 garlic cloves.
Pour enough water into the pot to cover the ham.
Cook your ham on low heat, one hour for every 2lbs of ham on low heat.
After slow 2 hours simmering (for a 3-4lbs ham), turn off the heat and let it cool in the stock.
You can use a meat thermometer too measure the temperature, it should reach 165 °F (73.9 °C)
After it cooled down, remove from the water and take the net off.
Cut some nice, thick slices from your ham.
Smoked Ribs from HIRS Sausage Market
with Sauerkraut
Füstölt oldalas savanyú káposztával
Smoked Ribs from HIRS Sausage Market
with Sauerkraut
Füstölt oldalas savanyú káposztával
January 24, 2021
Smoked pork ribs with sauerkraut is a recipe we like to cook in the winter.
Hirs Recipe:
1 Smoked Ribs from Hirs Sausage Market
2 cups or more of sauerkraut
12 oz bottle of beer
Place the smoked ribs into the pan, lay sauerkraut on and around the ribs and pour the bottle of beer over the top. Cover with aluminum foil and bake in the oven at 150º C (300º F) for about 2 hours.
How to cook HIRS liver, blood sausage and Hungarian fresh sausage?
Sült hurka, kolbász tepsis sült krumplival
How to cook HIRS liver, blood sausage and Hungarian fresh sausage?
Sült hurka, kolbász tepsis sült krumplival
January 12, 2021
Hirs Recipe:
Hurka and Hungarian fresh sausage can be baked in the oven at 180º C (350º F) for about 50-60 minutes. Fresh sausage can also be pan fried or grilled 10-10 minutes each side.
We like to bake the hurka and the Hungarian fresh sausage together with potatoes in the oven. We poke the hurka with fork, put a little oil in the pan and add potatoes.
Lentil stew with pan fried
HIRS spicy Hungarian smoked sausage
Lentil stew with pan fried
HIRS spicy Hungarian smoked sausage
January 1, 2021
In Hungary, people eat lentils on the first day of the year, as it is believed to bring good luck and money to the home. Almost every country has its own New Year’s food and traditions. Lentil representing coins; pig representing good luck.
Hirs Recipe:
Cut Hirs spicy Hungarian smoked sausage into slices. Add to non-stick skillet over medium heat. Cook 6-9 minutes until crisp and golden brown around, turning frequently.
For lentil stew:
300 g lentils, 2-3 bay leaves, 2-3 cloves of garlic, 1 onion, 1 teaspoon mustard, 2 teaspoons sour cream, 2 tablespoon flour, 1-2 teaspoon vinegar, salt, and pepper.
Soak lentils, then pour the soaking water off the grains and wash them a few more times. Cut the onion and garlic into small pieces and simmer until it becomes translucent. Add the lentils and pour in water that covers the mix. As the water evaporates, replace it intermittently. Add salt, pepper, and bay leaves to taste. Once the lentils are almost soft, add the mustard and vinegar, as much of how sour you want the lentil stew. Mix the sour cream with the flour and a little water until it is lump-free. Take a few spoonsful out of the lentil broth and mix it, then pour it all back into the pot. Boil the mixture once again and once It reaches the right consistency, the lentil stew is ready.
Hungarian Bean Soup (Bab leves) using Hirs Sausage Market’s smoked meat and ham hock.
Hungarian Bean Soup (Bab leves) using Hirs Sausage Market’s smoked meat and ham hock.
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